Tag: film
Nipples On The Batsuit!!?? We Finally Know Why!
Walk into any comic shop across America and it isn’t hard to find someone who has something to say about Joel Schumacher’s horrid attempt at…
Dan Aykroyd Brutally Slams Director Paul Feig Over Ghostbusters Franchise Death
Last year’s Ghostbusters reboot was not a critical or commercial success, which is likely the reason the studio has opted out of doing a sequel…
Karl Urban May Be Returning To Mega-City One In New ‘Judge Dredd’ Series
For anyone who has ever sat down and read a single issue of 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd comic, they knew the first film released in…
2nd ‘It’ Teaser Has Dropped *Click At Your Own Risk
The town of Derry, Maine has something of a clown problem and if you ever read the book or saw the original miniseries, you know…
Intense First Trailer For ‘The Dark Tower’ Finally Brings Roland Deschain To Life
Fans of the hit Stephen King series can finally sit back and enjoy the first official trailer for his newly-adapted… no, FINALLY adapted film version…
Gipsy Avenger Is Getting Some Major Weapons Upgrades For ‘Pacific Rim: Uprising’
When it’s not enough to have a gigantic Jaeger piloted by two people who are badass enough on their own, it’s often best to throw…
‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ Trailer Has Been Released!
Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service was an amazing success when it hit theaters in 2014 and fans have been waiting in eager anticipation another…
One Does Not Simply Choose A Favorite Sean Bean Death… Except For Sean Bean
Let’s face it, Sean Bean has become one of the best character actors in the world–who dies in almost every movie he is in. It’s…
Star Wars: 15 Most Powerful Jedi Who Turned To The Dark Side (Legends And Canon)
Few people set out to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. When the Jedi Order finds someone who is Force-sensitive, they tend to teach…
‘Aquaman’ Will Be Joined By Dolph Lundgren Playing A Key Role In The 2018 Film
The DC Extended Universe continues to grow despite poor reviews on its recent films. It seems nothing will stop the juggernaut production company from bringing…