10 Common Foods You Didn’t Know Were Genetically Modified
Jonathan H. Kantor March 9, 2015
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a hot topic in the United States and around the world. Many nations in Europe refuse GMO products from the…
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10 Faces Of Death From World Mythology
Jonathan H. Kantor January 26, 2015
We are all familiar with the likes of the devil, the Grim Reaper, and Hades, but there are many more different aspects of death throughout…
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10 Sets Of Species Fighting An Evolutionary Arms Race
Jonathan H. Kantor January 15, 2015
Evolution has helped the most adaptive animals survive. Often, two or more species find themselves evolving and competing in the same ecosystem. This can take…
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10 Politicians Who Got Away With Murder
Jonathan H. Kantor December 27, 2014
Politicians and monarchs have been responsible for the deaths of millions of people, yet some had a more direct hand in carrying out a murder…