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10 Left-Wing Terrorist Organizations From Around The World

Terrorism takes many forms and is not easily defined. Today’s fundamentalist terrorist movement in the Middle East may have sprung from far-right ideologies, but that…

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10 Common Misconceptions About Atheism

Atheism is a lack of belief in a god or gods. Because atheism can be construed as antithetical to religion, numerous misconceptions have risen about…

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Posted in Taste of Cinema

10 Famous Movies You Didn’t Know Were Based on Comic Books

It seems like all Hollywood is doing these days is churning out one new superhero flick after another. With the success of Marvel’s films in…

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10 Provocative Political Cartoons That Shaped Public Opinion

Editorial cartoons have been around since the early 18th century. Politicians, monarchs, and highly influential people are targeted to make a point, and in many…

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10 Historical Biological And Chemical Attacks

Biological and chemical weapons have gone out of use due to the inability to control them and the inhuman effects they have on their targets….

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10 Misconceptions About Military Drones

Military drones have garnered a great deal of attention over the years since the 9/11 bombings, but they’re very misunderstood. While some reports accurately describe…

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Posted in Taste of Cinema

15 Great Animated Movies Every Adult Should See

Since the release of Toy Story in 1995 by Pixar/Walt Disney Studios, the market has been flooded with Computer Generated (CG) films. There have been…

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10 Common Misconceptions About Judaism

Judaism is one of the world’s oldest practiced religions, and from it came the two largest faiths on the planet: Islam and Christianity. Despite its…

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10 Fascinating Picks For Time’s Person Of The Year

Beginning in 1927 as an annual publication titled “Man of the Year,” Time’s choice for Person of the Year has often been contentious and, in…

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10 Of The Shortest-Reigning Leaders In History

History is filled with rulers whose reigns lasted long after their welcome. However, some rulers were in charge for only brief periods of time. Here…

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