Posted in Grunge

Who in the world is Ken M?

Infamous internet troll Ken M is all over the place, invading comment sections galore with his persona of an old man who knows nothing but…

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10 Ancient Battles That Ended Empires

Most battles are only one of many that help to decide the fate of kingdoms and empires. On occasion, however, there is a battle so…

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10 Misconceptions About Separation Of Church And State In The US

One of the most contentious issues in a modern democracy like the United States is the wall of separation between the church and the state….

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10 Common Misconceptions About Mormonism

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church, is a poorly understood religion of approximately 15 million members. It…

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10 Ridiculously Expensive Weapons Canceled Or Never Used

Modern weapon systems are far from inexpensive, but the costs are often forgotten once the system performs well in combat situations. When a weapon system…

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10 Amazing Artistic Works Lost To History

Throughout history, the written word has been preserved on walls, scrolls, tablets, and anything else that might be etched or painted. While many great works…

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10 Badass Women Who Went To War

  When we think of war heroes, most everyone thinks of men because women were barred from combat for most of history. Only recently, nations…

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10 Infamous Acts Of Treason Committed Throughout History

Ask any American who their nation’s greatest traitor throughout history was and they will blurt out, “Benedict Arnold!” Arnold fought for the colonists until he…

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10 Futuristic Weapons Entering The Modern Battlefield

People have been developing weapons since the first time someone used a rock to bash in someone else’s skull. Since then, the lethality of weaponry…

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10 Monsters Granted Immunity For Crimes Against Humanity

Immunity is offered to people so that they might help in the prosecution of a higher-ranking level of criminal. This practice comes into play in…

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