Posted in Grunge YouTube

Crazy ways video game pirates were punished by developers

So, you thought you could get away with it, huh? You thought you could just copy that game or modify your console and go to…

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Posted in Grunge

Bizarre things people believe about homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy took a hit recently when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruled that homeopathic medicine must say, right on the package, that they’re products have…

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Posted in Grunge

Famous freaks and creepy carnival acts from history

Before the days of modern medicine, people were sometimes forced to live with strange deformities. They would be left in institutions in many cases, but…

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Posted in Grunge

Characters worthy enough to wield Thor’s hammer

You probably know all about Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, and that only those who are worthy can wield it. Though they haven’t really explored the possibility…

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Posted in Grunge

The craziest criminal defenses that actually worked

Hollywood has taught us all that the easiest way to get out of prison time is to plead insanity. Of course, it’s not as simple…

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Posted in Grunge

Video games that once looked totally different

Remember all those classic games you grew up with and how iconic many of them are? Well, odds are, they didn’t start out the way…

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Posted in Grunge

People who amazingly survived a gunshot to the head

We all know the best way to take out a zombie is to put a bullet through its brain, but you may be surprised to…

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Posted in Grunge YouTube

Secrets the airlines don’t want you to know

  The airline industry has evolved into a well-oiled machine. And really, any organization capable of handling more than 100,000 flights per day all over…

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Posted in Listverse

10 Peculiar Museums You Must See To Believe

For every Louvre showcasing the artwork of masters, there is a museum displaying every type of toilet imaginable. Most museums around the world are about…

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Posted in Grunge

What really happens to your body when you get the hiccups

It happens to us all. You’re sitting there, minding your own business, when suddenly your body convulses uncontrollably and you belch out that most disturbing…

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