Posted in NerdBastards

Jennifer Connelly Joins ‘Alita Battle Angel’

She battled the Goblin King in Labyrinth, took out Nazis in The Rocketeer, had her mind wiped in Dark City and now she is going to…

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Posted in NerdBastards

Two New Star Wars Movies Coming But Not By Disney

Many fans were nervous when Disney acquired the rights to LucasFilms and its most profitable property, Star Wars. That nervousness turned to unparalleled excitement and…

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Posted in CBR

The Worst Events in Comic Book History

It seems that comic publishers are setting up their entire year around one event or another these days. Big events tend to shape an entire…

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Posted in Grunge

The most bizarre YouTube channels

If you think you know all the interesting channels on YouTube, you are probably fooling yourself. Every minute, an average of 300 hours of video…

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Posted in Grunge YouTube

Movie extras that ruined the scene

When it comes to working as a film extra, your only real job is to become a forgettable chunk of the scenery. Unfortunately, this doesn’t…

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Posted in Grunge

Secrets hotels don’t want you to know

Every industry has secrets it would prefer to keep from the public. The hotel industry, one of the largest customer service industries in the world,…

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Posted in CBR


Ever since the Comics Code Authority (C.C.A.) was established in 1954, comic book creators have been limited in their ability to depict LGBT characters as…

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Posted in NerdBastards

A New ‘X-Men’ Animated Series In The Works?

For everyone who grew up during the ’90s and watched the original X-Men The Animated Series, it looks like Marvel has begun development of another…

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Posted in CBR


Spawn has been around for quite a while since Todd McFarlane created him in 1992. Through the course of more than 250 issues, miniseries and cameos, he…

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Posted in NerdBastards

‘Life’ Debuts Second Trailer During Super Bowl LI

It wasn’t just beer ads and trailers for sequels during last night’s big game. An upcoming science fiction film called Life premiered its second trailer…

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