The Power Rangers have been kicking alien and demon tail since they first premiered in 1993. Since that time, there have been 23 seasons/incarnations centering on a team of plucky teenagers. Because we, at CBR, enjoy delving into a series and checking out the talent, we decided it was high time we gave the Rangers a power ranking. Of course, this is entirely done for scientific purposes! Granted, we don’t want to overlook these actors’ achievements, so we looked into what they have done and what they are doing now. Many of these folks have kept busy since leaving the series while some have done little more than their time as a Power Ranger. We took a look through all 23 seasons/incarnations and the recently-released feature film to find the most alluring of them all, but we could have missed one or two so please sound off in the comments and let us know if we missed any of your favorites. In no particular order, we present to you the 10 most handsome men and the 10 most beautiful women to ever take up the mantle to defend the Earth and fight evil as a Power Ranger!
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