Walk up to people on the street, and ask them about the time they lost their virginity, and after they slap you in the face (let’s face it, how personal can you get with strangers?), they’ll certainly recall the time they gave up their V-Card, even if they don’t choose to share it with you. It’s a memorable time for any young man or woman, but it’s rarely a public event.
For most people, their virginity is a sacred thing. For an odd few, however, they see it as their ticket out of wherever they are since they’re selling it online for cash and prizes! You may have heard about this at one time or another, but it’s been going on for quite a while, and these situations almost never work out one way or the other. But that doesn’t mean a lot of money doesn’t change hands, or, at the very least, is attempted to be exchanged online. In most places, selling sex is illegal, but there are ways around it depending on where these women ply their trade. Granted, we aren’t calling any of these women prostitutes since technically, they aren’t. They’re just trying to earn a living, pay for school, or cover some serious debts and have found an ingenious if not risque way to do it. You might ask yourself if we should’ve thrown some men on the list, but there actually aren’t that many who’ve tried… probably because they knew it was futile, but if it ever happens, we’ll cover it!
Read the article on TheRichest.com