For anyone who’s ever read one of George R. R. Martin‘s Game of Thrones series of books or has seen the hit HBO show, the relationship between Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark has made up the vast majority of speculation. For years, people have speculated on the relationship, which was presented initially as one of violence but has since been revealed to have been one of true, amorous feelings.
There have been hints, asides, and finally, some true reveals about the nature of this relationship, which we never got to see directly either in print or on the screen. What we do know, we have compiled into this article, so anyone who has an interest in what happened between the Dragon and the Wolf can find out here, in one place. Some of the information covered here will deal with the reveals we just mentioned, but a lot of what we’ll discuss will consist of some of the more probable fan theories, many of which have turned out to be true. For years, fans of the books kicked around R+L=J with many not knowing what it meant, but now that that theory has been confirmed, it’s only one of many we’ll go over here.
It should go without saying, but if you aren’t 100% up to date on the books and the television series, some MAJOR SPOILERSawait you in this article. You’ve been warned. Now that the Spoiler warnings are out of the way, prepare to learn everything you possibly can about the most speculated relationship in the world of fantasy.
Here are 15 Things You Need To Know About Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
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