QUIZ – How Well Do You Know The Transformers: Autobot Or Decepticon?

They are Robots in Disguise and they helped to define the 1980s cartoon and toy franchises that made America great. Kids would beg their parents for just one Transformers toy they could easily break when trying to turn a robot into a car, which often necessitated the purchase of yet another toy (not a bad gig, Hasbro).

There have been 23 animated series from the Transformers universe since the first cartoon aired on the 17th of September, 1984. Add to this the dozens of video games across every major platform and console, more than a dozen animated and live-action films and hundreds of toys making this one franchise that has a lot of characters… but how well do you know them? We grabbed images from the comics, films, cartoons, and toys so we could cover as many of these giant robots as we could!

There are two main groups of robots in the Transformers universe: the Autobots (the good guys) and the evil Decepticons. Each has their leaders and they have vast armies under their command, but can you determine who is on which team? That’s the challenge today, folks so strap on your nerd hat, pull up a chair, and see just How Well Do You Know The Transformers: Autobot Or Decepticon?

Take the quiz on ScreenRant.com


Author: Jonathan H. Kantor

Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer and game designer. Jonathan is such a nerd, he is actually working to open a comic book store in San Antonio so he can sit back and do little more than discussing whether or not Han shot first with like-minded individuals. In the meantime, he is a Retired Soldier and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, TheQuiz, TheRichest, WatchMoJo, TopTenz, CinemaDrugs, TasteofCinema, Wonderslist, and Grunge. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com

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