This is not a review, but even so: SPOILER ALERT… Just in case
By now you have probably heard that the latest from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Deadpool, was the highest-grossing R-Rated film of all time. After quickly and easily nailing that distinction, it should come as no surprise that is fast-approaching the half-billion dollar mark with an estimated worldwide gross of $491,894,887 as of the writing of this article.
If you haven’t seen the film yet, you really need to stop making excuses and get to the theater… and please, don’t bring your kids! The movie is rated R for a reason. Not only do we have F-Bombs, nudity, and violence; we have ULTRA-VIOLENCE!
As a fan of the comic book character, I was very pleased with the movie. They had no problems breaking the fourth wall over and over again (I was worried about how that would come off) and the character was relatable… even though he is a wise-cracking, amoral, gun-for-hire, mass-murderer